 We provide our services flexibly in details to meet the needs of our customers.
To our customers unfamiliar with import/export procedures, we provide reliable services by making and arranging all the necessary documents.
And we can provide services of acquiring necessary cargo certificates varying from country to country on behalf of our customers.
 Advantages in Using Our Services
Export Operations
We handle complicated export operations accurately and speedily. Import Operations
We offer proposals adjusted to the characteristics of customers' import cargoes.
Export Operations
We handle complicated export operations accurately and speedily.
When exporting goods to various countries in the world, it requires export operations and procedures such as booking for shipping space, packing, clearing customs, creating shipping documents, preparing negotiation documents, etc.
On behalf of our customers our staff members having rich experience and expert knowledge deal with the complicated procedures of customs clearance accurately and speedily, and we propose optimal logistics services to our customers.
Import Operations
We offer proposals adjusted to the characteristics of customers' import cargoes.
Based on customers' invoices and packing lists, we check the details in compliance with laws, notifications, treaties, etc.,
and we speedily handle export operations such as creating documents in accordance with other laws and regulations.
After that, we respond widely to our customers' needs of containers, trucks, consolidated deliveries, etc. for the various types of cargoes from food stuff and daily commodities to automobiles, big equipment and heavy cargoes, or for the other cargoes requiring unstuffing from containers or storing.
Flow of Import Operations Flow of Export Operations Import/Export Agency Service
Our Competitive Advantages
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 Search by Purpose
As a creative logistics company, we realize that “safety and security” is our primary policy and we are approaching to it.
To provide our customers with “safety and security,” all of our employees from the management to field operators are striving together to observe our company policies and rules.
Approaching to Safety and Security
   Details of our Approach to Safety
Approaching to Safety and Security
 List of Our Services
 Harbor Transportation
 Customs House Brokerage
 International Multimodal Transportation
 Air Shipment Handling
 Import/Export Agency Service
 Commercial Distribution Business
 Assembly/Disassembly of Machinery Equipment
 Insurance Agency
 Real Estate Rental Business
 3rd-Party Logistics
Search by Purpose
If you plan to ship food stuff or containerized cargoes
If you plan to ship food stuff or containerized cargoes
If you plan to ship large-scaled or heavy cargoes
If you want to reduce transportation lead time
If you think of
commercial distribution
If you plan to ship large-scaled or heavy cargoes If you want to reduce transportation lead time If you think of commercial distribution
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